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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  May 3, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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investigating the benghazi attack than congress's attempts so far. and kathryn writes mickey mouse and donald duck would be more effective. and that's going to do it for me. i'm uma pemmaraju. hello, i'm kelly wright. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's news headquarters." i'm molly line. the white house is facing backlash after newly released benghazi e-mails. a congressional committee is poised to investigate a live report coming up. and new fallout from the v.a. medical center in phoenix. heads are rolling as some higher-ups are taking the fall. plus a former u.s. marine behind bars in mexico. why he's in jail, and what his mother is saying about his ordeal. but first, backlash over
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benghazi. speaker of the house, john boehner, announcing a special committee to investigate and a key panel issuing a subpoena to secretary of state john kerry to testify. this as newly released e-mails are raising serious questions about the white house's response to the terror attack that killed four brave americans. correspondent doug mccalaway is live. >> there is a new headline that may be emerging from brett bear's interview with tommy vetoer. vetoer admits to having made significant changes to talking points, adding references to cairo and protests and possibly changing the wording, attacks to demonstrations. that conflicts sharply with some of the testimony of cia director mike more rely. that the white house only made a handful of technical changes. >> did you also change a tax to demonstrations in the talking points? >> maybe. i don't really remember.
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>> you don't remember? >> dude, this was like two years ago. we're talking about the most mundane process. >> everybody is talking -- >> we're talking about the process of editing talking points. that's what bureaucrats do all day long. your producers edit scripts multiple times. >> that and the release of this key ben rose e-mail this week, only through a foya request, congressional request, as well as the white house's defense of that e-mail, is what is parking the gop's move to a select committee. >> and when you have jay carney trying to say that a memo is not benghazi when you produced it in response to a subpoena about benghazi, they have been gasping a lot this week. >> but senate democrat leader harry reid blasted the decision for a select benghazi committee. there have already been multiple investigations into this issue and an independent accountability review board is mandated under current law. for republicans to waste the american people's time and money, staging a partisan
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political circus instead of focusing on the middle class is simply a bad decision. a recent fox news poll suggests that americans do not agree with that assessment. it shows by a margin of 61 to 26%, voters believe the white house is trying to cover up what happened in benghazi rather than being opened and transparent. those views are mostly unchanged, though, since last year. kelly, back to you. >> doug, thank you very much. don't miss, by the way, brett bear's special, "benghazi: white house cover up revealed" and sunday at 9:00 p.m. right here on the fox news channel. molly. >> thank you. let's break down the benghazi time line for you. july 9th, 2012. u.s. ambassador stevens requests for additional security from the state department go unanswered. august 16th, stevens raises additional security concerns, citing al qaeda in the area. september 11th. militants attack the u.s. consulate in benghazi, killing four americans, including
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ambassador stevens. september 12th, the assistant secretary of state sends an e-mail, stating she told the libyan ambassador that an extremist group was to blame. september 14th. white house adviser, ben rhodes, sends an e-mail, pushing the administration to say the deadly attack was in response to an anti islamic video. september 16th. u.s. ambassador to the u.n., susan rice, goes on five sunday talk shows and says the attack was not preplanned and the video was to blame. september 25th. during an address to the united nations security council, president obama blames the attack on the video. and on september 26th, published reports show intelligence agencies and administration officials knew terrorism was to blame within 24 hours. kelly? >> tragedy after car bombs explode in two small syrian villages reportedly killing at least 23 people, including 14 children. this footage showing the ex
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extensive damage to buildings, rubble-covered ground and car wreckage. it isn't clear if the bombings were coordinated and no one has claimed immediate responsibility. syria's civil war is in its fourth year with an estimated death toll of over 150,000. the violence in the ukraine going to a whole new level. ukraine launching a major offensive to take back control of one of its eastern cities. meanwhile, fierce fighting between government supporters and pro-russian forces leaving dozens of people killed and dozens more injured. leland vittert is streaming live in donetsk, ukraine, with the latest. leland? >> reporter: molly, certainly what has been an insurgency by those pro-russian separatists is keeping this country on the verge of civil war. the ukraine military has launched a major offensive to take back towns and buildings that have been taken over in the past week by these pro-russian
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separatists. earlier today, armored personnel carriers moving into a town near one of the russian strong holds. they were able to take back a tv center in the town and also able to take back one of the intelligence buildings there. however, they have not been able to fight their way into the main stronghold of slovyansk, where the russian militants are still holed up. there have been casualties on both sides. and the violence is spreading both west and south to the key port city of odessa. yesterday we saw clashes there between the ukrainian fighters, ukrainian riot police, pro-ukrainian supporters and russian separatists. 30 people died in those clashes. at one point the main pro-russian stronghold, there were people who had to jump out of the building there. the ukrainians continue to blame the russian government for inciting this violence. they say moscow is really the
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pupp puppeteer behind this. and as a result of the ukrainian military offensive, they have received, quote, thousands of phone calls from ethnic russians and russian speakers here in eastern ukraine asking for help. we have no way to verify those claims, of course. moscow now says it is, quote, weighing its options to figure out what they are going to do. obviously, the fear here, molly, is that what moscow's answer will be is sending the 40,000-plus troops they have massed on the ukrainian border here into eastern ukraine in either a full-fledged invasion or possibly peacekeepers and take over this part of the country, much as they did the crimea earlier in the year. back to you. >> thank you, leland vittert in ukraine for us tonight. the death toll rising to at least 2,100 after a catastrophic landslide in a remote part of afghanistan. the main focus for rescue crews now, to help the thousands of
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people forced to evacuate due to the disaster. they're calling off the search for victims after thousands of villagers were buried under hundreds of feet of mud, two consecutive landslides pummeled the mountainous area yesterday morning, following a week of heavy, heavy rain. a decorated u.s. marine is sitting in a mexican prison for what his mother says is simply making a wrong turn. the mistake on aprilt led andrew morisy to the wrong side of the border, in tijuana. according to his mother, he was going to the v.a. for help, but got lost and drove into mexico, carrying three guns. now his mother is fearing for her son's life. listen. >> he called me and he was in a holding cell with many men. i heard a lot of like chaos in the background. and he said, "mom, i'm not going to make it through the night. whatever you do, don't come and ask any questions, because you're not safe either."
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the next day he called me and said, "mom, i escaped. i got into a safer part of the jail." and i said, "what, you escaped? he said, "mom, they were going to kill me, they were going to rape, torture and execute me." >> the u.s. consulate has been visiting and he is scheduled for a hearing at the end of may. the investigation to the troubled v.a. medical center in phoenix is growing now. three executives have been placed on administrative leave amid allegations that officials kept the fake waiting lists in order to hide delays in treatment. elizabeth prann is live in washington with more details on this. elizabeth, what do we know so far about the administrators on leave? >> reporter: well, we know who at least two of the three are, and one of them is the head of the facility. the department of veterans' affairs, releasing a statement, acknowledging sharon helmand, robinson, and a third employee placed on leave.
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accusations are an accurate list shows up to 1600 sick former service men had been waiting many months to see a physician. phoenix facility officials say they take these issues very seriously, and they invite the independent v.a. office of inspector general to investigate. meanwhile, some lawmakers on the hill have threatened the congressional subpoena for the records if the v.a. does not comply. kelly? >> so let me ask then, are we expecting more whistle blowers to come forward about the delays and care there? >> reporter: well, we'll certainly see, because we are hearing more from the current whistle blowers. they continue to speak. dr. sam foot, the first whistle blower to come forward about the alleged secret paper list, says the hospital is understaffed and underfunded. his testimony is similar to that of dr. kathryn mitchell. mitchell describes an environment of intimidation against anybody who challenged hospital leaders. she has provided a list, she says, to the arizona republic, with records showing the hospital was using that secret list to hide the long wait times for the former military.
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she also says it wouldn't be the first time for an offense like this. >> in the past, the investigations that have occurred on a routine basis in the 16 years that i've been there in general, things are swept under the carpet before the investigation is completed, because they have advanced notice. >> reporter: mitchell went on to say administrators unethical have the ability to silence those simply trying to follow the rules. kelly, back to you. >> thank you. this past week, by the way, we did see an extensive interview and story by our own ainsli ainslierhart on handy han ity. >> condoleezza rice will not deliver the commencement address at rutgers university. her decision coming on the heels of student and faculty protests over her role in the iraq war. rice issuing a statement, informing rutgers president, she was declining the invitation saying, quote, commencement should be a time of joyous
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celebration for the graduates and their families. rutgers invitation to me to speak has become a distraction for the university community. at this very special time, and i am simply unwilling to detract in any way. detract from it in any way. general motors is going through another -- yet another recall. this one involving suvs, and we'll tell you all about it. and some new fallout from the deadly terror attack in benghazi. what a congressional investigation can hope to uncover. our legal panel debates it of. plus, former president george w. bush showing his support for america's wounded warriors. >> i may have a knee ache, but it's certainly not even close to what people who have been riding these bikes today have overcome. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me,
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as we reported earlier, house speaker boehner is appointing a select committee to investigate benghazi and the white house response. so almost 20 months after the terror attack, congress is taking its most controversial step yet into getting to the bottom of what happened on the night that four brave americans were killed. let's bring in angela mcclowan
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and david mercer. thank you both for being here today. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you. good to be with you. >> absolutely. a really amazing week in washington to see these new developments. david, i want to start with you here. when we're looking at the idea of a select committee, do you think there is anything left to uncover and that this serves a purpose? >> well, given that in january, the senate intelligence select committee looking into this found that there was no evidence, no effort made by the white house or administration agencies to mislead or to confuse the facts or what have you. i think we've gotten to the bottom of it. i think what we need to now do is focus on how do we better protect those serving overseas in embassies, making sure that they have the security measures in place, as well as the funding to do so. so i think that we're going to be seeing duplicate effort here,
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given the report that just came out in january. >> david, clearly looking to the future. but when you talk about evidence, we're seeing this new e-mail this week from ben rhodes. this is new information about where the word "video" came into all of this. angela, what do you think? >> i think that david is right from the standpoint that we do need to look at how protecting our embassies that are in foreign lands. having said that, thank god for judicial watch and also the freedom of information act. molly, you had four committees that subpoenaed this administration to get this information to find out what went on. and we're finding out new information. and judicial watch had to sue this administration to be able to get those e-mails. so even though in january david stated the select committee on the senate side, democratic committee on the senate side, found the answers and investigation -- >> bipartisan. >> i applaud boehner for putting together a special bipartisan
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panel that can actually be a cohesive investigative arm to find out what happened. >> yeah, it will be interesting to see how the bipartisan thing is pulled together on this. another headline. there was a lot of news. a fascinating interview that brett bear did with the national spokesman, who said he was really in the crux of everything as decisions were being made. and he admitted on brett's program that he had a role to play in these talking points, and that conflicts with some of the information we've had from the white house previously and also from cia director more rely. what do you think about that, david? it seems there is more information to be had. >> well, i -- you know, this may be a new memo, but the memo was alluded to and referred to and ben rhodes' role as deputy national security adviser, and on communications. the e-mail that than released and that we have seen speaks to what has been said all along, which is that there was efforts
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made, especially by the white house, to make sure that among the intelligence agencies, be it the cia and others, that there was a cohesion to what could have been attributed or how we can attribute this to -- or this attack to what happened to the four who died bravely in baegs. and so i think that it's good that it came out, because it only reinforces what has been said before, which is that -- >> david, may i -- >> national security by deputy national security adviser, is to make sure that everybody has the right information and its cohesive -- that's what he was attempting to do. >> yes. >> you mentioned the word alluded to, which i thought was an interesting phrase. people are seeking documents, and this was a document that wasn't produced earlier, and there are a lot of questions about why that is. angela, why are you snaking your head? >> during watergate, we had a
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president who thought he was above the law. and now today we have an administration that alludes to certain documents. that refer to certain documents. and we have had people that have lost their lives. also, our commander in chief stood before the american people and said he didn't know if this was a terrorist attack or not. that people were investigating it. when we know within 15 minutes, i've been told by my sources, that the administration knew that it was a terrorist attack. you had a video in july that was released, but supposedly these demonstrations were spontaneous, that happened in benghazi on september 11th. and i know from my sources there were no demonstrations in benghazi the night this happened. also ambassador stevens asked for protection. knew this was going to happen. they got no protection. >> and molly, if i might suggest that we also put this in historical context. in that there were 13 embassy attacks under the bush administration, 80 people -- 88 people died. >> blame bush. blame the republicans. >> if i might -- if i might
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finish. 11 of them being americans. and it was not turned into a scandal. and i would caution all of us, especially the republicans in the congress to not turn this into a scandal, and that we honor those that past in the benghazi attack. >> we do honor them. >> that look to -- >> guys, we are in the midst of this. ongoing investigation. and the possibility of a select committee is certainly current time, far from ancient history. and will be big news in developing into many weeks and months to come. thank you for joining me here today. david mercer, former dnc national finance director and angela mcglue an. >> thank you, molly. have a good weekend. pursuing the american dream can be all-consuming, keep you focused on things like money, fame and other material possessions. today we introduce you to a monday who has all of that and
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more. but entertainer will downing discovered the true meaning of life beyond the dream. ♪ >> will downing is a man endowed with a beautiful gift of music, his smooth silky voice has given him the distinction of being dubbed the prince of sophisticated soul. for 26 years, he has been an enduring figure in music. nod bad for a man who grew up in a public housing project in brooklyn. >> it was still a good environment, but just not much to do outside of the everyday go to the park, play ball, go to school. >> reporter: at school is where will's future took a turn from the mundane to a new realm of possibilities. a teacher who heard him singing in music class felt he had something special. the teacher and will's parents encouraged him to pursue a career in music. >> started there, and i went to an arts high school in brooklyn.
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and from there i went to the university of richmond virginia and studied music there ask came back and went to brooklyn college in a few months. and i got this gig singing and i have to obviously thank that teacher. his name is robert. he has passed away. and i have to thank my parents for making me do something outside of the norm. >> and by being outside of the norm, the rest, as they say, is history. will's career soared in the genre of r & b music. >> i've been very fortunate to have known what i've wanted to do for a very long time. and i've been able to make a living at it. and there's not a whole lot of people that can say that. >> everything was going well for will. he was making money with a successful career, but he kept ignoring a nagging health problem, and kept putting off going to the doctor. for several months until the pain was unbearable. >> i went to the hospital, and within two days, i was pretty much paralyzed. so the craziest thing ever. and it's something called poly
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myositis, a muscular disease. >> for nearly two years, will battled for his life. in the process of healing, he discovered some very important things about himself. >> it made me prioritize. you know, because i was money-hungry and career-driven. and i had sort of, you know, pushed everyone aside. i was chasing a dollar. and it made me slow down and kind of go, life is more than that. >> upon making a complete recovery, will now spends more time with his family. he's also involved in various charitable causes as a spokesperson for the american heart and stroke association. and he's discovered another talent. photographer. his book, "unveiled," shows some of the photographs he's captured of other artists like al gentleman row, gladys knight, shaka can and will scott. he strives to encourage people to do the best they can do with life and to live that life
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beyond the dream. ♪ >> very appropriate, stop, look and listen to your heart. will's latest cd is called "euphoria" which aptly describes his life. intense happiness and appreciating true blessings, family, god, friends and a good career. teaches us to pause. >> that was great. that was a great, great job. and he has an amazing voice. such character. >> yeah. very -- good guy. >> fantastic. >> well, the former president, george w. bush, paying tribute to american veterans who fought for our country. men and women injured iraq and afghanistan were invited to his fourth annual mountain bike ride at the ranch in crawford, texas. 16 geared up for this 3-day, 100,000 kilometer ride. >> every vet here has overcome difficult circumstances and are now riding pretty difficult bike
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trails. and the symbol is that, you know, you can succeed. and so people ask me all of the time about being with the vets. and my answer, universally is i'm inspired. >> we have all gone through traumatic instances. some worse off than others. but we're here to support each other. we're here to be out on the trails together, to ride together. and at the end of the day, doesn't matter if you're missing a leg, missing an arm, we're out there to try to figure out whatever our new normal is going to be. >> fox news medical a-team dr. mark segal also participated in that event. a lot of hard work, too. >> a lot of biking, that's for sure. but some conflicting economic reports are in this week. the jobs market is showing signs of life, but our economy is growing at a glacial pace. so what gives here? we'll break it all down. and the crisis in ukraine. intensifies in a wave of deadly violence. so what is putin's end game here? with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced.
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welcome back. secretary of state john kerry calls today's release of foreign observers in eastern ukraine a positive step. but the gesture comes during the deadliest violence yet in the crisis. clashes between government supporters and pro-russian forces leaving dozens of people killed, and dozens more injured. meanwhile, president obama says the u.s. and its allies will rush or push, rather, for tough sanctions against russian if moscow disrupts ukraine's presidential elections later this month. so what is putin's end game here? joining us now to discuss this, former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and fox news contributor, john voltin, senior fellow at the american enterprise institute. always good to see you and have you share your perspective with us. on this particular situation, what is vladimir putin up to? what is his end game? >> i think he's made it clear over a number of years that he
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wants russian hegemony within the former soviet union. that is to say, he wants the governments of the now independent republics to follow moscow's wishes on key strategic political and economic questions. so that in the case of ukraine, which is the biggest prize, really, of all the former republics outside of russia itself, he's trying to say to the government in kiev, you have to take our interests into account. and these efforts that he's undertaken in eastern ukraine and now in odessa in the southwestern part of the country in the pro-russian areas, i think are all claimed at that point. perhaps to the point of delegitimizing the may elections that secretary kerry was referring to. >> and you know what concerns so many people here, from east to west, south to north in ukraine, we are seeing an escalation in violence, and an intensity of
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detention going on there. where do you see this ending? >> i think what putin would like to see is the ukrainian nationalist element in the country cut a deal with the pro-russian elements that is acceptable to moscow. that would involve a substantial devolution of power away from the central government in kiev toward the provinces, which would give russian much more sway over the pro-russian areas. but if he can't get that, i think his plan b. is a further partition. so the insertion of what are clearly russian special forces, russian political agitators, throughout the eastern and southern parts of ukraine, are intended to rouse sentiments against the government in kiev. that gives him the destabilizing capacity that he thinks he needs. and i must say, i believe what happened in odessa yesterday is sadly the most significant event we have seen, far more than the
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release of the osce observers, far more than the limited success of ukraine's military operation in the east. >> we are seeing some sad developments there, particularly in odessa. having said that, we also know that president obama and german chancellor angela merkel met earlier this week. they talked about increasing sanctions, toughening those sanctions. but sir, will it be tough enough to stop vladimir putin from moving ahead with his game plan? >> well, there's no evidence that they reached any agreement on the specifics of tougher sanctions, and certainly the europeans' economic dependence on russian energy supplies and their economic relationships with russia, especially countries like germany, make it hard for them to accept tougher economic sanctions. but this is where you need american leadership. the fact is that what putin has succeeded in doing is using military force to change international boundaries on the continent of europe. and if the europeans don't
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realize it, that puts them in considerable jeopardy. the european union is still on very shaky foundations when it comes to the monetary union, political tensions are rising. and putin is taking advantage of them. i think this is a very bad time for the western alliances. >> right. and historically, we have seen this happen in the past, going back to world war ii, beginning stages of that. let's go further. what does the united states have to do to show american leadership and intervene in this difficult situation in ukraine and russia? >> well, i think you've got to do two things. number one, you've got to turn up the cost to russia of this belligerent policy its pursuing. if the europeans are serious about wanting peace and stability on the european continent, they've got to risk economic harm to themselves in order to inflict more pain on russia. so, for example, sectoral-wide sanctions, barring russian
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institutions from might dealings with western financial institutions, number one. and two, politically, i think you've got to go back to the idea that president bush had in 2008 and put ukraine and georgia and maybe mole dova on the path to european leadership. they have to understand, it's going to have consequences. if they don't fear the consequences, this is going to continue and get worse. >> ambassador john bolton, we thank you for your perspective. thousands at berkshire hathaway's meeting. warren buffet's thousand on his company and the economy. and the business world. liz clayman with the fox business network is streaming live from omaha, nebraska. always an interesting interview you have been doing. tell us the latest. >> reporter: yes, molly, let me tell you, it is a carnival-like atmosphere here at the century link arena in downtown omaha, nebraska. a place that hosts rock stars like bruno mars and the eagles.
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but it is packed to the gills, to the rafters, for an 83-year-old ceo. of course, it's warren buffett, the chairman and ceo of berkshire hathaway, companies like dairy queen and burlington northern railroad under its umbrella. and it is 38,000 people who own shares in his stock who come to hear his opinions. let me show you some of the festivities from earlier this morning. and let me also explain, there's no other company on the planet that has festivities at their shareholder meeting. he owns a couple newspapers, the "omaha herald" and so he had a newspaper toss where he and bill gates and some reporters practiced tossing newspapers, because he used to be a newspaper delivery boy. they own see's candy, see's chocolates, so they created a 7,000 pound see's lollipop. all warren buffett eats, by the way, is sugar and candy. he is the biggest shareholder in
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coca-cola, so, of course, he's a sugar fan. but when he needs to charge through the crowd -- i want you to look and see, molly, how he simply bashes through the crowd when he's walking this exhibition floor where all of his companies display some of their wares. it's quite unbelievable. he owns a company called justin boots, pretty fascinating, and always ends up at the burlington northern choo choos. pretty fascinating. that was his biggest acquisition ever. he also has a $100 billion stock portfolio. also recently, general motors. and, of course, you know, general motors has had that recall of 6 million cars. here's what he had to say about the developments with that company. >> i had lunch with mary barra just about a week ago. and she's dynamite. you couldn't have a better executive, general motors, in my opinion. now, i don't have the stock. it's one of the two managers.
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but i was really impressed. she's a car ride. she knows more about cars, and she's just right in every respect. >> including in the way she has handled the recall? >> yeah, yeah. i've been in a spot like that or two. somebody did something i had to answer for. and it's not easy. one thing you'll find interesting. when she came to the office, i pulled out a few general motors reports. and the earliest one i had was 1910. yeah. i think she was impressed by that. doing my research. >> reporter: warren buffett on general motors. and i would also like to mention that fox business on monday at 9:30 a.m. eastern time, has a live, one-hour interview with warren buffett, and, of course, his vice chair, charlie monger, along with bill gates. #askliz. we might ask your question. molly, back to you in new york. >> liz, thank you so much.
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looks like a great time. in the center of the business world. thank you very much. >> she's having a good time. i'll be watching, by the way, to see that interview with warren buffett. i've got a question, how do we get it? coming up, a mixed economic bag, unemployment rates are dropping. but the economy is barely growing, so are we heading in the right direction? [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day
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mixed messages on the economy this week. the nation's unemployment rate
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last month falls to 6.3%. that's the lowest level in nearly six years. but the economy barely budged in the first quarter. so what's behind these numbers? joining us now, president of uni, private wealth strategies, micha michael seymour. thanks for being here this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> it was a cold first quarter, literally. it was a long winter. did that play a role? >> yes, i think it really did. and we've talked about this. and this was no surprise to anybody, that we only grew at a 0.1% rate pace in the first quarter. you know, the winter was something many of us lived through, and none of us did a lot of shopping, i think. and i think this was no surprise to anybody. and i think that's why that lousy number really did not shock anybody. it certainly didn't drive the stock market lower. and i think this was something that everybody expected. >> now, it's finally springtime, so perhaps that will heat things up a little bit.
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will that actually help? is that enough to boost things? >> well, i think so far we are actually seeing that. march was a little bit better, even though the weather wasn't that great. one of the things that drives our economy is household spending. at 70% of the united states economy. and that was up 0.9% in march. so that does indeed show that household spending, that people are getting out a little more, and they are doing some buying. i think that was encouraging. >> and there have been gains in jobs. >> well, there's been very real gains in jobs. let's remember the caveat that everything that gets reported gets revised. and yes, you know, there are still some things like 92 million americans are, you know, not working, which could be a factor of a number of things. that's an all-time record. but one of the things i find encouraging that is very hard to argue with is for the last three months, 238,000 new jobs have been created versus 167,000 new
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jobs for the three months before that. now that's very, very real. new jobs are very, very important. and that's very encouraging. >> but some places are still struggling. manufacturing, for instance. >> well, you know, that's a real, you know -- we all use that expression, new paradigm. but manufacturing is very, very important. the two sectors that normally do -- three sectors that normally provide the most jobs are retail, home building and manufacturing. and manufacturing has been very, very, very lackluster. home building only added about 19,000 new jobs, which was down for march. and, you know, retail has been, you know, that seasonal. so it's a little hard to use that. so, yeah, there are some lags. you know, bright spots and l lagarts. >> when we look at what's coming next in the coming months, how important is it to see a bit of a recovery right now?
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>> i think it's critical. like we talked about earlier. you know, the first quarter gdp, the lousy number, was very expected, and something that i think had a very real cause, a very severe winter. so now the question is, okay, we understand what happened in q1, but the economic numbers in q2, in my opinion, really got to come in around plus 3% to show that the economy is really moving. you know, remember, plus 3% annualized is not a very great number. so it's a pretty low bar. so i think that's very, very important to watch the second quarter. >> all right. thank you so much, michaelcy more for joining us. and plenty more on making sense of this mixed economic bag and jump starting the economy when one of the major players in sparking that jump start, richard fischer, president of dallas federal reserve, joins maria bartiromo live tomorrow morning on "sunday morning
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futures" at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel. a sometimes deadly respiratory virus from the middle east now reported here in the u.s. how concerned should we be? is a closer look, next. when jake and i first set out on our own, we ate anything. but in time you realize the bett you eat, the better you feel. these days we both eat smarter. and i give jake purina cat chow naturals. made with real chicken and salmon, anit's high in protein like aow cat's natural diet. and no added artificial flavors. we've come a long way. and whatever's ahead, we'll be there for each other. naturally. purina cat chow naturals.
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reported in indiana brought here from a patient who had recently visited saudi arabia. so what is mers, and how is it spreading? a member of fox news, medical a-team, doc, always good to have you join us. >> this is a very serious situation right now. we don't want people to panic. it's not as contagious as we think it is. and the cdc is investigating this. they're working with the hospitals and a lot of community programs to find out exactly where it comes from, what causes it. we're getting some more information. this is a case of a health care provider that just came back from saudi arabia. mers stands for middle eastern respiratory illness. we reported this in 2012, if you recall, about two years ago. but because of the global travel and global health, we see people brought the first case over here, presented with cough, sneezing and chest pain, et cetera. >> now, it's difficult to get this virus.
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>> it's a family of coronavirus. it's not like flu where you can catch easily. it's difficult to transmit from one person to another person. but it's deadly, meaning if you have this, about 25% of the patients who got this, they died from this. so we want to be very careful about this. >> and we know right now that the cdc is saying there's no threat of this becoming a pandemic. but here's the thing. as you just said, we talked about this two years ago, on this very program. and at that time we felt there would be no way it would spread beyond the borders of the mission east. but yet it's here. so looking forward, what should health workers or anyone traveling abroad do to safeguard themselves from mers? >> the cdc at this point are not banning people to go to those countries. this is in jordan, kuwait, saudi arabia, and ue. we're watching carefully. the numbers are not at the high number, and we're finding out exactly where it's coming from. people are talking about maybe
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camel milk or camel meat. that would be a source. unfortunately, there is no treatment for this virus. you just have to give supportive and hydration and rest. we're watching this carefully. this is only one case, and we'll see if there will be more. they're going back to see where this traveler came from, how many stops he had, and how many people were exposed. but this is a good information for a lot of people to know, that if you travel over there, you want to make sure that you wash your hands, you know, and make sure you stay away from anyone that has any of these respiratory symptoms. >> and i'm so glad you mentioned about the fact that it was camel milk or camel meat, because there's also bats where it's derived from. so it's a matter of trying to stop it from any human transmission. >> exactly. human to human, at this point, seems to be a little difficult. so it's not as contagious as measles or flu and other things, where the receptors is right in the nasal area. this is harder. but once you have it, it is very difficult to treat these patients. we don't have a good treatment for this coronavirus. >> dr. david sa matey, thank
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you. >> i'm molly line. >> i'm kelly wright. good to have you with us. "the journal editorial report" is coming up next. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out.
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this week on the "journal editorial report" newly released benghazi e-mail put the white house on the defensive, and raised fresh questions for hillary clinton as she gears up for 2016. plus, harry reid in the hot seat as vulnerable senate democrats demand a vote on the k keystone pipeline. and a big win for rick perry as toyota moves from california to texas. can he ride the record all the way to the white house? welcome to "the journal editorial report" i'm paul gigot. fresh questions about the obama


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